
Case Studies

PaaS and SaaS contracts
Case Study 1Case Study 2

Case Study 1


Client: Software developer

Problem solved: System upgrade to cloud based offering

If you’ve been offering ‘out of the box’ services for years and have shifted to cloud-based services, you might have discovered that your old terms and conditions don’t cut it. Then again, you might not have looked! A client recently came to us with concerns that their licence agreement gave them no ability to monitor the number of users on the cloud-based platform, nor could they require the client to properly manage access. There was concern that a former employee may have been continuing to log in to the new system after leaving the business.



We reviewed their old terms and conditions and started again with fresh terms that allowed for better management of access to their product, as well as clearer, easier-to-read provisions for their customers. When updating clients, the feedback received was that the new terms made sense and the customers understood their obligations to manage their own staff access.


Learn more about how we can help you create the right terms of service for your business.

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Case Study 2


Client: Software developer

Problem solved: New platform being made available to the public

We get to be involved in helping people launch whole new platforms to the market and there are some really exciting new products being developed. We’ve been lucky enough to work with clients launching platforms for retail wedding services, tutoring services, cleaning services, shed design, learning to drive classes, fitness programs and a whole lot more.  A client who spent the last three years developing a very impressive design and construct platform, linked with materials suppliers, came to us to prepare new terms and conditions for access to their platform.


We had to look at storage of data, API linking with open source data, responsibility for currency of information, linking with third party service providers and the option to order products and design terms and conditions that fitted the different types of users who will use their platform.

We were able to consolidate and simplify the agreements they had worked with previously, as well as updating and simplifying the language for a broader audience. We had a little back and forward in small amendments to get the technical references to what they were offering correct. They now have terms that make a lot of sense to them and will be easy to administer with their clients.

If you’re ready for an upgrade...

book a no obligation chat with one of our team.

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